Centre for Management Studies | ব্যৱস্থাপনা অধ্যয়ন কেন্দ্ৰ

Dibrugarh University | ডিব্ৰুগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়


Refund Rules

The Centre follows the refund rules as stated by AICTE and UGC. Under all circumstances, refund is the prerogative of Dibrugarh University. In general, no refund is admissible once the classes start after admission and if seats vacaated due to withdrawl of admission remains unfilled because of any reasons.

If any student decides to withdraw his/her admission, an applicaton (hard copy) addressed to the Registrar, Dibrugarh University should be submitted immediately along with admission payment receipt and bank details (attach first page of Bank Passbook or Cancelled Cheque or Bank Details endorsed by bank). The application should be made to the Registrar through the Chairperson, Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University.

If beacuse of any reason, the student is unable to submit the application in person, the application as stated should be posted to:
The Chairperson
Centre for Management Studies
Dibrugarh University
Dibrugarh 786004 (Assam)

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