Centre for Management Studies | ব্যৱস্থাপনা অধ্যয়ন কেন্দ্ৰ

Dibrugarh University | ডিব্ৰুগড় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়


Programme Information: MTTM [Full Time]

The Masters in Travel and Tourism Management (MTTM) Programme is a 2-year modular programme. It has a mandatory Field Trip spanning around 2 weeks to places of tourist interest; primarily in the North-east. The mandatory Field trip is generally undertaken after the first semester final examination.

Selection of candidates for the MTTM programme is through the Dibrugarh University Post Graduate Entrance Test (DUPGET).A Personal Interview may be conducted if felt necessary for DUPGET qualified candidates.

The programme structure for the MTTM programme is tabulated below:

Semester 1Semester 2
10100 Business Environment in Tourism20100 Tour Operations & Air Ticketing
10200 Principles of Management20200 Communication Management in Tourism
10300 Accounting & Finance for Tourism20300 Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism
10400 Principles, Policies & Practices of Tourism20400 Sustainable Tourism
10500 Tourism Products20500 IT Applications in Tourism Management
10600 Geography, History and Culture of India & North East20600 Field Report & Dissertation
Semester 3Semester 4
30100 Tourism in North East India40100 Research Methods in Tourism
30200 Natural & Wildlife Tourism40200 Entrepreneurship in Tourism
30300 Law & Ethics in Tourism40300 Front Office & Housekeeping Management
30400 Basic Cargo Rating and Handling40400 MICE Tourism
30500 Rural & Farm Tourism40500 Human Resource Management in Tourism
30600 Understanding Global Tourism Affairs40600 Report Presentation

Each course is of 3 credits. The students thus have to earn 72 credits to complete the MTTM Programme. Each course has an internal assessment of 40 marks and an end semester examination of 60 marks. Course 20500 being entirely based on a Field Trip has no end semester examinations. Course 40600 also has no end semester examinations. The marks distribution in Course 20500 and 40600 are divided into 40 marks (Viva-Voce) and 60 marks (Report).Courses 10600 & 20500 have 25 marks as practical which is part of the 40 marks allotted for the respective internals. The internal assessment is done through sessionals, presentations, assignments, practicals and /or projects and attendance depending on the nature of the course. A student must attend at least 85% of classes in each course to be able to appear in the end semester examination (except under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Centre).

A student shall have to secure at least B grade to pass a course taking in and end semester marks together. The letter grade A and above shall be considered as First Class and letter grade B+ shall be considered as Second Class with minimum of 55% marks.

Students dropping out after the first year will be awarded with a PG Diploma in Tourism Management.

Conversion Formula for the CGPA
Percentage = CGPA x 10+5 for CGPA ≥ 5.5 (maximum 100)
Percentage = CGPA x 10 for 4.5 ≤ CGPA < 5.5

Dibrugarh University CBCS Regulations (Old System)

Notification for Conversion of CGPA to Percentage

Dibrugarh University MTTM Syllabus

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