The CMS Library is called the Learning and Information Resources' Unit and is currently housed in the Ground Floor of CMS Complex. The Unit is headed by the Unit-in-charge. There is an Assistant to look after it. Timings are from 0930 - 1730 Hrs on weekdays, 0130 - 0600 Hrs on Saturdays and 0900 - 1300 Hrs on Sundays. For more information on LIRU, mail to
The Unit is meeting the needs of the students and faculties alike with its ever-increasing stock of books, journals and periodicals. The unit has sufficient titles on Management Theories & Practices, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Marketing, Economics, Strategic Management, Computer Applications, Financial Accounting, Accounting for Managers, Quantitative Techniques for Managers, Production & Operations Management, Management Information Systems, Tourism and Hospitality and on subjects of various other interests and disciplines. Electronic resources are also available on demand.
Reprographic facilities are available and electronic data transfer facilities within the Unit itself are being planned to be provided. The Unit is fully computerized, with the in-house developed web-based software LIRU Manager (Version 3.5) working satisfactorily. The LIRU Manager can handle all book information, journal information, member information, donor information as well as financial transactions involving the members like arrears, service charges, etc. The members can access their LIRU accounts through the CMSDU Manager application. It is feature heavy offering among others a comprehensive Search Facility, Re-issue of Books, Book Suggestions and Advanced Booking Facility.
Download the LIRU Information Booklet.
Some important statistics concerning LIRU (as of December 31, 2023) are:
Total Number of Books | 4377 |
Print Journals/Periodicals Subscribed | 20 |
Online Journals/Periodicals Subscribed | 3 |
New Books Added during the Year 2023 | 59 |
New Member Cards Issued during the Year 2023 | 115 |
Total Transactions for the Year 2023 | 3386 |
Average Transactions per Month (2023) | 282.17 |
| Book Catalog | Journal Catalog | Open Access Journals | Donors |